Friday, March 26, 2010


Yes, that is right, I turn 30 today, but don't they say 30 is the new 20? So, do I really subtract 10 years? If you look at me, I don't look 30. So what does 30 really look like? Ha. At the liquor store on 3rd St the guy behind the counter thought I was celebrating my 21st birthday and was speechless when I showed him my ID. Well, now I'm off to dinner with Eileen to SimonLA at the Sofitel Hotel. Look at how much fun we had. I suggest going there because they end the dinner with cotton candy! Hello! Who doesn't love cotton candy???

(To the left, self portrait before heading out for the night. LBD by Marc Jacobs, heels by

In the car heading to dinner, . . .is that a half-smile? Ha.

Me & Eileen after a few cocktails. I recommend their mojito! Mmmmmm, . . . 

The cotton candy that had a candle in it for my bday!!

Mmmmmm, . . .shh! Don't tell my trainer!

Every girl loves Pink Cotton Candy!

Just in case you can't tell I <3 Cotton Candy! (my ring looks pretty fierce in this photo too!)

You know I love making the kissy face, because I LOVE YOU!

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