Friday, June 4, 2010


Friday, I got to work with ABC's "The Bachelor", Jake Pavelka for a press and promo photo shoot. When I say, Jake is the epitomy of a southern gentleman, it might very well be an understatement. Definitely made me miss my southern roots. He greeted me with a hug and huge smile. His upbeat energy and great attitude kept the shoot running smoothly. We did about 5 looks with him. Photos to come soon. Until then, here are a few behind the scenes shots! (And for the ladies who have to know, Vienna was not present at the shoot, but from the sounds of him talking about Kauai a few days prior, they are very much together! Sorry girls!)

What a great crew! Thanks JSquared Photography, Nicole Walmsley (groomer), and my fabulous fashion assistants, Carla Pallares & Nicole Morris. A special thank you Jake's amazing agent, Kira @ APA.

I will keep you all posted where these images end up! But I can definitely promise you that I kicked Jake's style up a few notches from Bachelor to GQ status!!

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