Sunday, February 28, 2010


Just hours after the islands of Hawaii were being evacuated with threat of the tsunami and a month ago with the Haitian earthquake, I was headed to Laguna Beach for the Annual Report for Masimo Corporation's ad campaign. Masimo has been an amazing client of mine for now two years. This year's theme was "Close to the Heart". Here are some behind-the-scenes photos of the two day shoot.

Day 1: With a 6am call time, we were quickly evacuated to the Ritz Carlton in Laguna because the waves flooded the parking lot at the beach we were at just miles north.

Yes, this is the office for the next 2 days, . . .

When you are at the beach, make sure that you always stay protected. I love Burberry! (Oh and since Peanuts is one of my favorite clients, I decided to rock one of my favorite Snoopy shirts)

"Closer to the Heart" the cover shot through my bberry.

Day 2: Men's Fitness Model, John & Baby Firestone (Yes, Andrew Firestone's baby was the model.)

Day 2: Shonte dancing around and making faces so that Baby Firestone would smile.

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